
Nach Aufnahme der slowenischen Flur- und Hausnamen in das österreichische Unesco-Verzeichnis des immateriellen Kulturerbes im Jahre 2010 ist das Interesse für dieses Thema auch im internationalen Rahmen gewachsen. Das belegen Berichte auf internationalen Konferenzen:

Bangkok 2016:

UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names)

29th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, 25–29 April 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
Agenda item 16 – Activities relating to the Working Group on
Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage Martina Piko-Rustia: Slovene field and house names in Carinthia [Kärnten] –  Intangible cultural heritage of the Austrian Commission
Submitted by Austria, Austrian Board on Geographical Names [Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kartographische Ortsnamenkunde – AKO, http://ortsnamen.at]

New York 2017:

Eleventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names
New York, 8–17 August 2017
Item 10 – Geographical names as culture, heritage and identity (including indigenous, minority and regional language names)
Martina Piko-Rustia: Slovene field and house names in Carinthia. Measures for the preservation and creative transfer of the Unesco
intangible cultural Heritage
Submitted by Austria, Austrian Board on Geographical Names [Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kartographische Ortsnamenkunde – AKO, http://ortsnamen.at]